Source code for sqlalchemy_utils.view

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.ext import compiler
from sqlalchemy.schema import DDLElement, PrimaryKeyConstraint
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import ClauseElement, Executable

from sqlalchemy_utils.functions import get_columns

class CreateView(DDLElement):
    def __init__(self, name, selectable, materialized=False, replace=False):
        if materialized and replace:
            raise ValueError("Cannot use CREATE OR REPLACE with materialized views") = name
        self.selectable = selectable
        self.materialized = materialized
        self.replace = replace

def compile_create_materialized_view(element, compiler, **kw):
    return 'CREATE {}{}VIEW {} AS {}'.format(
        'OR REPLACE ' if element.replace else '',
        'MATERIALIZED ' if element.materialized else '',
        compiler.sql_compiler.process(element.selectable, literal_binds=True),

class DropView(DDLElement):
    def __init__(self, name, materialized=False, cascade=True): = name
        self.materialized = materialized
        self.cascade = cascade

def compile_drop_materialized_view(element, compiler, **kw):
    return 'DROP {}VIEW IF EXISTS {} {}'.format(
        'MATERIALIZED ' if element.materialized else '',
        'CASCADE' if element.cascade else ''

def create_table_from_selectable(
    if indexes is None:
        indexes = []
    if metadata is None:
        metadata = sa.MetaData()
    if aliases is None:
        aliases = {}
    args = [
        for c in get_columns(selectable)
    ] + indexes
    table = sa.Table(name, metadata, *args, **kwargs)

    if not any([c.primary_key for c in get_columns(selectable)]):
            PrimaryKeyConstraint(*[ for c in get_columns(selectable)])
    return table

[docs]def create_materialized_view( name, selectable, metadata, indexes=None, aliases=None ): """ Create a view on a given metadata :param name: The name of the view to create. :param selectable: An SQLAlchemy selectable e.g. a select() statement. :param metadata: An SQLAlchemy Metadata instance that stores the features of the database being described. :param indexes: An optional list of SQLAlchemy Index instances. :param aliases: An optional dictionary containing with keys as column names and values as column aliases. Same as for ``create_view`` except that a ``CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW`` statement is emitted instead of a ``CREATE VIEW``. """ table = create_table_from_selectable( name=name, selectable=selectable, indexes=indexes, metadata=None, aliases=aliases ) sa.event.listen( metadata, 'after_create', CreateView(name, selectable, materialized=True) ) @sa.event.listens_for(metadata, 'after_create') def create_indexes(target, connection, **kw): for idx in table.indexes: idx.create(connection) sa.event.listen( metadata, 'before_drop', DropView(name, materialized=True) ) return table
[docs]def create_view( name, selectable, metadata, cascade_on_drop=True, replace=False, ): """ Create a view on a given metadata :param name: The name of the view to create. :param selectable: An SQLAlchemy selectable e.g. a select() statement. :param metadata: An SQLAlchemy Metadata instance that stores the features of the database being described. :param cascade_on_drop: If ``True`` the view will be dropped with ``CASCADE``, deleting all dependent objects as well. :param replace: If ``True`` the view will be created with ``OR REPLACE``, replacing an existing view with the same name. The process for creating a view is similar to the standard way that a table is constructed, except that a selectable is provided instead of a set of columns. The view is created once a ``CREATE`` statement is executed against the supplied metadata (e.g. ``metadata.create_all(..)``), and dropped when a ``DROP`` is executed against the metadata. To create a view that performs basic filtering on a table. :: metadata = MetaData() users = Table('users', metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column('name', String), Column('fullname', String), Column('premium_user', Boolean, default=False), ) premium_members = select(users).where(users.c.premium_user == True) # sqlalchemy 1.3: # premium_members = select([users]).where(users.c.premium_user == True) create_view('premium_users', premium_members, metadata) metadata.create_all(engine) # View is created at this point """ table = create_table_from_selectable( name=name, selectable=selectable, metadata=None ) sa.event.listen( metadata, 'after_create', CreateView(name, selectable, replace=replace), ) @sa.event.listens_for(metadata, 'after_create') def create_indexes(target, connection, **kw): for idx in table.indexes: idx.create(connection) sa.event.listen( metadata, 'before_drop', DropView(name, cascade=cascade_on_drop) ) return table
class RefreshMaterializedView(Executable, ClauseElement): inherit_cache = True def __init__(self, name, concurrently): = name self.concurrently = concurrently @compiler.compiles(RefreshMaterializedView) def compile_refresh_materialized_view(element, compiler): return 'REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW {concurrently}{name}'.format( concurrently='CONCURRENTLY ' if element.concurrently else '', name=compiler.dialect.identifier_preparer.quote(, )
[docs]def refresh_materialized_view(session, name, concurrently=False): """ Refreshes an already existing materialized view :param session: An SQLAlchemy Session instance. :param name: The name of the materialized view to refresh. :param concurrently: Optional flag that causes the ``CONCURRENTLY`` parameter to be specified when the materialized view is refreshed. """ # Since session.execute() bypasses autoflush, we must manually flush in # order to include newly-created/modified objects in the refresh. session.flush() session.execute(RefreshMaterializedView(name, concurrently))